Tuesday, May 22, 2012

May 6, 2012  JGSCV

From Venturing Into Our Past, June 2012 Issue 
(The newsletter of the Jewish Genealogical Society of the Conejo Valley and Ventura County)

"...Sara Applebaum talked of her four-day visit to Poland.  Her father was born in Warsaw and the family lived in nearby towns.  She started her part of the program by reminding the audience of how her family escaped from Poland and went to Siberia and then Kyrgyztan, where she was born, and lived briefly in Poland after World War II-then Belgium and finally immigrated to the U.S.

On her trip to Warsaw, they found the house where her family lived before the war in 1939.  It is now an apartment house . 

In visiting where her mother's family came from, Lodz, they found the house her great grandfather lived in until 1892.  ...The current occupant refused them entry.

80 Pomorska Street  and its rose garden

Piotrkow Cemetery

She noted the importance of going to Auschwitz to ...bear witness...that we did not all perish.

Sara Talked to JGSCV previously about her life story when she talked about her book Lost and Found, A Family Memoir, and her second book, a novel ... Pomorska Street.